Fr.2111-G*, 1950D $50 Chicago Star Note, G01161895*, GemCU, PMG66-EPQ. A great note and the highest graded with no equal!

This Gem note is the only 66-EPQ graded by PMG with no notes graded higher. The PMG Registry score is 1736.

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Fr.2111-G*, 1950D $50 Chicago Star Note, G01161895*, Gem CU, PMG66-EPQ

# 5607
Finest Known Note - PMG Pop 1/0

Fr.2111-G*, 1950D $50 Chicago Star Note, G01161895*, GemCU, PMG66-EPQ. A great note and the highest graded with no equal!

This Gem note is the only 66-EPQ graded by PMG with no notes graded higher. The PMG Registry score is 1736.

Price: $1500.00